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Skin Care

General Skincare FAQs

A good rule of thumb is 28 days (04 Weeks), which differs mainly from person to person and from product to product. Skin needs adequate time to properly absorb nutrients from the products to the skin to produce significant results. These products are not magic or don’t include harsh chemicals that could show superficial and temporary effects.  

Also, it’s essential that you maintain a consistent skincare routine and avoid using harsh chemicals that strip the skin and create more blemishes. Additionally, a diet rich in water, maintaining a healthy diet, and managing stress are essential.

Exfoliation is ideal 1-3 times per week. The frequency depends on the individual skin type, as it can cause more breakouts and damage your skin if you overdo it. Exfoliating can remove excess oil and dead skin cells to maintain a necessary skin balance.

Yes, it is. Just as your face becomes dry, your body also feels the effects of that dryness. Therefore, moisturizing helps to maintain body elasticity and improves the skin tone for a more even look.

Facial masques provide a concentrated skin treatment, with more potent ingredients formulated to apply on the skin for a shorter period and rinsed off. 

It takes only a few seconds to apply a facial masque and wait for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash it off. Using a face masque is simple and easy that will give immense benefits. Including a Facial Masque in your skincare routine will clear and refined your skin tone. Its deep cleanses the pores and dead skin cells, metabolic wastes, and the oily substances that can clog them. It also increases hydration to dry and dehydrated skin. The use of facial masks can reduce the signs of aging like fine lines, wrinkles, and pigmentations. Also, will gradually result in firmer, tighter, fresher-looking skin.

Skin Condition FAQs

There are few categories typically skin is classified into; normal, oily, dry, combination and sensitive skin. But over a period of time your skin texture and type can change as it is affected by a lot of factors such as lifestyle, hormones and your diet. The ideal way to understand your skin type might be, to wash it gently and leave it for several hours without using any product to observe your skin.

Acne is the most common skin problem. It can be caused main by excess sebum oil, clogged pores, bacteria and inflammation. Hormonal changes, stress, and the menstrual cycle in women can influence oil production. The hair products, skincare products and makeup can indirectly cause to clog pores. Inflammation is mainly caused mainly by diet (Diary products and high glycemic index foods) and bad health habits.

Skin is considered combination when some area is dry or normal and others are oils. Typically, there is a mix of oily and dry area on different parts of your face, with the t-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) being slightly to very oily.

Oily skin is often caused by overactive oil glands that product too much oil (also known as sebum). Also, with the increase intake of sugar, salt, and fried food can wreck your skin and lead to more oil production.

Dry skin is a very common skin condition characterized by a lack of the appropriate amount of water in the most superficial layer of the skin, the epidermis. If you skin is dry, you may experience a feeling of “tightness”, itching, rough, scaly or flaky skin or crack on skin. Dry skin can develop at any time. Common reasons include sun exposure, climate or temperature changes and air conditioning.

Sensitive skin is often caused by a weakening of skin’s natural moisture barrier and may be the result of genetics, ageing, hormonal or environmental factors. Sensitive skin frequently stings, burns or becomes irritated, inflamed or red.

Hyperpigmentation, such as brown spots and freckles, are caused by over-active cells that produce too much melanin, which is a natural skin pigment. This is primarily caused by UV exposure from the sun. Hence protecting against UV rays and wearing a SPF protection will help prevent hyperpigmentation.

Fine lines are small and shallow lines that appear on the face, this is normally an indicator of first signs of ageing. But fine line will always disappear when your skin is relaxed. As we age, collagen production slows and elastin becomes less flexible, causing skin to be thinner and less elastic causing wrinkles to form.